Friday was a day off from school, so my friend Jean and I were looking for something to entertain our kids. It seems like once school starts Cameron is really antsy if he has nothing to do on a "school" day, so we headed out to a place called Power Play. I had never been there before, but I had heard good things so Jean and I packed up for a new adventure. It was a really fun place, some strange combination between Chuck E Cheese on steriods and an amusement park. They had video games, some rides, cosmic golf, lazer tag, and go karts. There was also a very reasonably priced pizza buffet that was pretty darn good. Becca spent most of her time playing in a toddler/preschool area with a moon walk. She was thrilled! If she can bounce on somthing it quickly becomes her favorite thing to play with. The absoloute highlight of the afternoon was watching Cameron drive the go karts. There is a boy in his class that is involved in go kart racing and Cameron has been dying to try driving. He was so excited and really drove very well for his first attempt. Now he wants a go kart of his very own. I'll think about it-NO!
It was fun to spend the afternoon with friends! Cameron had his drum lesson on Friday night, and since we only have one more group class he has decided that he wants to take private lessons. I am glad that he has decided to continue on with the drums. I really think that he needs something to do.
I had really been bemoaning the fact that we don't have a Fazoli's close to us, but I think Friday night we found a better alternative. Drum lessons fall exactly at the dinner hour, and usually I am prepared, but Friday night I just didn't have a plan. There is a little hole in the wall Italian restaurant that is right by the music center, and we decided to stop by after drums. It was FABULOUS!!! Way better than Fazoli's, and about the same price. Best of all it is only 15 minutes away, not 35.
All in all, Friday was a pretty long day.
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