19 September 2008

Still the mom of 2

Last night was Cameron's first night of private swimming lessons. When I first told him that he was taking swimming lessons he flat refused to go. Once we got him there he seemed to be doing fine, but the longer we waited on the deck of the pool the more scared he got. He started to cry and say that he didn't want to drown. There are 2 pools where he is taking the lessons, one of them is a shallow pool that is warmer for people that have arthritis and then they have the larger swimming pool. The instructor decided that they would start in the shallow pool. Cameron was doing pretty well with what she asked him to do, and he had a pretty successful lesson. At the end of the lesson she asked him if he wanted to try the big pool, and he said no.

I think that she is going to teach him how to swim in the shallow pool since he is small enough to be able to learn there, and offer the big pool every lesson. Once he is comfortable with swimming they will move him to the big pool. I really like the instructor, and I think that she is very well equipped to deal with his fear. All in all, it was a pretty big success in my eyes. Cameron even asked if we could join the community center so that he could practice his swimming. I'm really proud of him.

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