07 November 2010

Stand Up.. Be Proud.. Shout Your Name.. Out Loud..


I thought I had a better handle on what to expect at Becca's cheer competition today. I have had a lot of experience with Becca competiting at skating, but I was really unprepared for how over stimulating the cheerleaders, yelling fans, and loud music could be. I left totally exhausted, and all I had done was sit on a high school bleacher for 4 hours!
Becca's team was called 'mini'. They don't compete at that level, it is strictly exhibition. The girls did great and seemed to have a wonderful time!
I feel like their program was a pretty good mix of cute and attitude. The squad is girls from Kindergarten to 4th grade. When she cheers for football games only the girls that are Kindergarten to 2nd grade cheer, the 3rd and 4th graders have their own football team. They were combined for competition purposes, and we were still the smallest mini squad by a long shot! They did great!
The Wolverines also had a squad that competed at the 5th & 6th grade level and the 7th & 8th grade level. Both of those teams took first place in their divisions, so it was a pretty good day for the Wolverines.

Mostly I am just glad that this is the end of cheer! Becca really likes it, so we may do it again next year, but for now it is over!!! The play is over, and all that is left is skating. I feel like I have gained tons of free time!! :)
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