I thought I would post a couple of pictures from skating yesterday. The first 2 are the beginning and end of Becca's backward swizzle (toes kiss, heels kiss, push with your legs) and then one with Coach Amy trying to get that ever elusive 1 foot glide! Becca told me last night that she couldn't go to group lessons because she wasn't tall enough-she is definitely one of the youngest in the class so I guess that really sticks out to her.
Today was a pretty lazy day- we went to gymnastics this afternoon and then came home and played Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. We don't even have anything going on tonight. I think I might make a run to the grocery store all by myself for a change.
It was funny to watch Becca at gymnastics today. They were running an obstacle course where they did 3 forward rolls, crawled under a tunnel, did a cartwheel and
jumped onto a mat. I don't really think of Becca as fast, but

she had the fastest time of the day at 15 seconds. The coach was trying to get the girls to beat their previous time, but I am pretty sure Becca doesn't understand what that really means. She is pretty competitive though. Most of all, she really likes to be first- first in a race, first in line- always first.
Poor Cameron is wound tight as can be with the start of school next week. He is upset and scared and his behavior has really gotten to be quite a handful. The saddest part to me is that I don't think he even understands why he feels the way he does. He seems so helpless to try and control it. Right now it is a daily struggle for him. He should really come around by labor day or so. We did run into a little boy today that is going to be in his class, so at least he is going to have a familiar face there.
I guess it is time to start dinner- spaghetti again. If I let Cameron pick he chooses it everytime. One of these days

I will get smart enough to quit asking!