I got to scrapbook all day long Saturday. My favorite scrapbook store has a 14 hour crop once

While I was off, Becca got to spend a fun day with Grandma and Grandpa D. They ran to the grocery store and went to Culver's for lunch. Culver's is Becca's favorite lunch place- this week. I think she likes it because her meal comes with frozen custard. Saturday night she entertained Grandma and Grandpa by dancing to the music of Spamalot and doing rocket jumps (backwards with your hands pointed to the sky) off the couch and onto the air matress on the floor. It is nice to see her jumping on someone else's furniture for a change.
Sunday we went to cousin Andrew's birthday party. He was turning 3 and is cute as can be. He got lots of neat presents and we all loved his Thomas the Tank Engine cake! After that we met up with Matt, Stephanie, and the kids at Grandma and Grandpa D's for dinner. Matt usually works on the weekends, so we have really been taking advantage of the past couple of weeks that he has been off.
Cameron is actually off playing with a friend for the afternoon and Becca is sleeping so I have a quiet house right now! YAY!! School starts a week from Wednesday- I can't believe how fast summer has gone. Cameron's new school looks almost finished and we should get the letter that tells us who his new teacher is in the next couple of days! I think the week after that we should be getting Becca's preschool letter and getting ready to go to meet the teacher night with her!
I'm off to celebrate what little time we have left of summer!

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