01 August 2006

I have turned into my mother

Not that it's a bad thing of course. I was lucky to have a mother that was my best friend for 24 years of my life. She was close to my girlfriends, and in general a wonderful person to be around. However, as a child, I would see her sacrifice everything for my brother and I. When I was a teenager I made a vow to put myself first, to put my wants before my kids wants.

Then I encountered this skating dress.

Becca loved it. And it looks sooo cute on her. It's polka dottie and fun- just like her personality. I told myself that she's growing and her dresses are starting to get a bit snug. It has room to grow and she will be able to wear it for a while. In no time at all I had plunked down most of my birthday money for it. Then of course she wanted to stay for group lessons- there went the rest of the birthday money!

Someday I will get that hall tree that I am saving up for. Posted by Picasa

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