17 November 2006

Becca and TV

We have a couple of DVR's from the cable company at our house. I love to have them because nothing I watch is on at a time that I can actually watch it. There are a few shows that Becca enjoys and we record those so that we can have them on hand for times like today- I have a raging headache (yes, the stupid thing is back) and I don't feel like parenting in a vertical position. This morning I loaded up a show for her and laid down on the couch. The next thing I know Becca is saying "Mom! MOM!! I don't want to watch the commercials. I don't prefer them." I was totally entertained by the fact that at the tender age of 3 she has decided that advertising is bunk. Pretty smart girl!

Good news is that I am feeling a bit better since I picked Cameron up from school.

David is off all next week and we are looking forward to a nice Thanksgiving with Granny. All we have to do is get past the skating competition tomorrow and we are all set. Hopefully I will post pictures tomorrow night of our little medal winner- she is the only one entered in her division so we are pretty sure she will win. :)

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