16 June 2008

Mt Rushmore


Since half of my pictures are stored on David's computer, I will start with our trip to Mt Rushmore. We decided to visit in the evening so that we could see the progam and lighting of the monument. We took a beautiful drive up the back side of the mountain and we couldn't see the monument until we were in the parking area. We even saw a mountain goat along the way. It was quite cold and it rained off and on the entire time we were there!

When you first enter the park there is a long line of flags that leads up to the viewing area for the monument. There is a flag from each of the states with a marble plaque that says what number the state was and the year that it entered the union. It is really neat to see and adds quite a bit of color to the area, which is mostly made up of different kinds of white and grey marble, so it really stands out.

David, Cameron, and I took a walk around the Presidentail Trail. It is a 1/2 mile trail that goes to the base of the mountain and gives you some very interesting views of the monument. The first 1/4 mile is very easy and paved to be wheelchair accessable. Then you start walking the stairs down. Stairs down, not such a big deal. :) Unfortunately, what goes down eventually ended up coming back up- ACK!! It was really quite strenuous- I think it said something to that effect on the sign that I ignored! LOL

I was unable to get a good picture of the memorial after it was lighted because I really needed a tripod, but this was the best of what I got. The program leading up to the lighting was about a 10 minute talk by a park ranger and then a 20minute movie about the making of the monument and information about the presidents that are on it. Cameron's favorite was Teddy Roosevelt- he is such a good little conservationist.

I think that all of the kids had a great time at a place that I was afraid would be a little boring. It truly is a beautiful place!
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